How to wear multiple rings


July 14, 2024


Shopping, Tips

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Madison Joslyn

People will come to me asking how to add more style to their outfits, and one of my favorite responses is to style with jewelry, and specifically, rings. In addition to oversized blazers (sick of me talking about them yet?), tattoos, and all things generally aesthetically pleasing being parts of my fashion identity, I find that rings are so fun to educate on. They give so many signals. Your wedding rings tell the world that you’re taken, your Oura ring tells people you’re into health and tracking your sleep and vitals, and stacking a bunch of chunky vintage rings tells people you’re cool. 

I’ve had people tell me that they love my ring stacks but are intimidated to create one of their own; like somehow wearing too many rings makes them come across as aggressive. As we know by now I fully support throwing all your fucks to the wind and not caring what anyone else things, and dressing just for you, yourself, and Irene (90s baby movie joke). But not everyone likes to jump in head first, so let’s break down the process and your options so you can decide what type of ring look you want to try out. 

First things first, it’s helpful to understand the value that rings bring. I don’t just mean the monetary value but the value of ease across all outfits and occasions. If you have rings that you can wear through all activities like washing your hands, taking a shower, and doing your skin care it makes all the world a difference to achieve this evergreen benefit. In general I recommend only purchasing and wearing rings that you don’t have to take off. This might mean spending more on real gold instead of platted or choosing silver. No one wants a green finger, and no one wants to waste money on a ring you get away with wearing two times tops and then it sits in  your jewelry box for years continuing to change color because it was too impractical. (I’m looking at you Madewell. All my favorite chunky rings that I purchased in my 20s were collecting dust in my jewelry box and I finally just got rid of them. They were great for those first few days and then they tarnished because there’s no practical way you can wear those rings and remember to take them off and put them back on. Think about it: you have to go to the bathroom, you must remember to take the rings off before doing your business. You will forget to do this because nature was screaming at you and you remember mid wipe. You’re not going to take off the rings at that point because then they’re contaminated and you’re not that gross of a human, so you keep them on then wash your hands. You think maybe this won’t affect them, I can wash my hands one time and this gold chunky cigar band perfectly affixed to my right middle finger won’t tarnish. You go to the bathroom later and forget to take the ring off prior to relieving yourself. You think fuck, I’m not responsible enough to wear this type of jewelry. Or maybe you’re so responsible that you realize that it’s worth it to invest in higher quality jewelry.)

In general I recommend only purchasing and wearing rings that you don’t have to take off.

The classic: one ring

So now that you’ve agreed to buy only rings that you can wear all day, through the bathroom etc., you’re ready to consider how many rings you want to wear. For some, adding one larger ring, something on their dominate hand or opposite their relationship bling is preferred. This look says “hi, I have style and I like to be a little bit funky but not over the top.” This look is approachable. You’re probably not wearing much else jewelry-wise other than huggies you never take off your ears. If you’re picking one ring though there is a bit more pressure.

If it’s your first foray into ring land I recommend a simple approach, don’t do a stone or anything with too much design. Go for either a thin band that is rather non discrete, or a chunky cigar band (just not from Madewell. We do love you Madewell, just not for rings you literally can’t use). One of my favorite places to get thin and simple rings is from your local farmers market or craft fair. Go after the vendors with the quality rings and make sure to try them on different fingers. If you’re not sure which finger feels best, put a ring on and then do things you’d normally do. Use your phone, write something on a piece of paper, put your hair behind your ears. You’ll get the sense for which finger the ring should be on based on this. I will say though, if you have wedding rings on your index finger I recommend putting the single ring on the opposite hand on your pointer or middle finger. This gives a nice balance. 

I’m a huge fan of Marrow Fine (have purchased several of my wedding ring stackers from them!) and love this classic cigar band. And check out the Monica Vinader wide ring as well for a bit of a funkier look. 

Marrow Fine, Cigar Band

Monica Vinader, Siren Muse Wide Ring

The twist: two or more

Now if you’re a bit more daring and want to wear more than one ring (this is fun, I promise) then you start to get to think about styling your hand a bit more. You can be incredibly intentional and think about the balance of rings, you might want them separated on your fingers, skipping one or two instead of being put on two fingers right next to each other. But you also get to think about what a ring on each finger says about you. 

If you put a ring on your thumb you are one of those girls from school who knew all the cool bands to listen to, drank Arizona Iced Tea, and had a boyfriend named Duane. You tried the feather trend in your hair before it became too popular and wasn’t cool anymore, and you REALLY loved your pet hamster. This girl definitely has a thumb ring and you’re envious of her. Unless you are her. 

For the look of more than one ring I think it’s great to consider balance between both hands. You have so many options though. Try some of these: 

  • Stack two thinner bands together on one finger. 
  • Have one ring on your pointer finger and one on your index. This makes it easy to do tasks the way you normally would and typically doesn’t feel to different. 
  • Have one on your pinky because you’re a sophisticated aristocrat wearing your family crest, and then one on the middle finger of your other hand just to keep people in line, but have that separation between class and crass. 

If you put a ring on your thumb you are one of those girls from school who knew all the cool bands to listen to, drank Arizona Iced Tea, and had a boyfriend named Duane.

Kinn has great options for thin bands that are high quality. And Mejuri has rings that are more affordable but are still super effortless and classy. 

KINN, Seven Line Ring Diamond

MEJURI, Stacker Ring

The bold: rings on every finger, sometimes more than one

This is the fun option. Wear all the rings. Put a ring on all your fingers, or most of them. This is for the girly who doesn’t care about coming across a bit aggressive in the hand department. She doesn’t fear intimidation, in fact she’s into it. If she puts on her rings in the morning because she didn’t want to sleep with them through the night because it’s harder to not scratch your baby when you’re half asleep, she feels like she’s putting on her armor. The day is her battle, the world is her playground. She fears nothing. She is that bitch. 

Wearing multiple rings gives you so many options for what you can do to style your hand. If you’re like me and have finger tattoos it can be extra fun to play off the tattoos by pairing a chunky ring with a delicate tattoo, or putting a small ring on the top part of your finger to balance the tattoo on the bottom of said finger. The thing to remember here is that there are no rules. (I generally feel that way about all of fashion, but more so guidelines exist to help you make decisions that make you feel good!) 

If you want to go all out combine multiple chunky rings on one finger and see where the inspiration takes you. I have a local stylist friend who sells vintage jewelry (shout out to Lauren, check her out) and I’m always checking out her stacks when I visit her pop up shops. I also love checking out what the Hirshleifers are wearing on their IG. They do layering so well, I mean so. Well. From charms on bags to multiple rings, earrings, ankles, and all the bracelets I feel so artistically inspired by their daily fits. 

Kinn also has great options for rings where it looks like you have two and it really gets you that look of more without having to think about combining rings together. Hey Harper is great on a budget. The rings are a bit more flashy and shiny but they are super fun to wear. 

KINN, Hera Sculptural Ring Stack Silver

HEY HARPER, Wirering

What is your new ring wardrobe going to be? How are you going to dress yourself up by adorning your hands, the gateways to the world, with your unique style? Keep me posted on the looks you try out. And as always, drop me a note and let me know if you need help styling your beautiful manos! 

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