I’m so thankful that I get to help women figure out how to wear clothes and feel beautiful and powerful, instead of feeling overwhelmed or downtrodden. It’s so rewarding being able to educate and entertain people through my writing. Any time I receive feedback that someone enjoyed my piece of work I feel truly humbled and grateful. 

If you would have told me even a year ago that I’d have my own business and be able to support women around the world I wouldn't have believed you. I can’t wait to see how we grow at With Mads. I do this work because I truly believe that fashion can be a wellness tool, and that every woman at every stage in her life is worthy of feeling beautiful and confident. By being able to educate and empower women I feel excited and fulfilled. We’re a community of women who want to look fabulous and be bad asses in whatever we do, and I love that I get to help women walk that line of being confident and secure, while also having clothes and fashion be tools instead of barriers. 

time I receive feedback that someone enjoyed my piece of work I feel truly humbled and grateful. 

If you would have told me even a year ago that I’d have my own business and be able to support women around the world I wouldn't have believed you. I can’t wait to see how we grow at With Mads. I do this work because I truly believe that fashion can be a wellness tool, and that every woman at every stage in her life is worthy of feeling beautiful and confident. By being able to educate and empower women I feel excited and fulfilled. We’re a community of women who want to look fabulous and be bad asses in whatever we do, and I love that I get to help women walk that line of being confident and secure, while also having clothes and fashion be tools instead of barriers. 

’m so thankful that I get to help women figure out how to wear clothes and feel beautiful and powerful, instead of feeling overwhelmed or downtrodden. It’s so rewarding being able to educate and entertain people through my writing. Any


start the process now!

Fashion is about more than just clothes; it's about how you show up in the world. Whether you're working from home, leading a board meeting, or shuttling your kids around, your style is the statement that speaks volumes about who you are. With Mads is your personal fashion consultant who will empower you to do this, either through education so you can define what success means to you, or we’ll do it all for you.

We believe that fashion is wellness, and honing your FASHION FITNESS is the key to unlocking everything in your life.


Your style goals are met and you now own the way you look and feel. 


You experience one of the With Mads Methods and develop your fashion fitness. 


We create a plan for how to help you feel fabulous. 


We work together to identify your goals. 


Our approach With Mads is to translate how the clothes you wear impact the way you feel. We focus on creating tools and methods that help you find your authentic style without feeling overwhelmed or bombarded with trends that don’t match your vibe. We’re never going to tell you how you should feel or what your style should be (who likes being told what to do or who they are???). Instead we’ll focus on identifying the way you want to feel and how you want to show up in the world in order to be successful in the way you define it. With our approach you can work with the team in a one off capacity, or ongoing through the changing seasons of your life, or even just the year. Whatever you need for styling we’re here. Not to mention our blog has several resources for you to learn and explore the world of fashion. 

With Mads Approach



Our Philosophy

You deserve to feel exactly the way you want to. Your aspirations are potential realities, and our philosophy is that With Mads will help empower you to live your best life through the way you wear clothes; not how they wear you. Whether you’re reading our recent Journal article or working one on one with our founder, you are going to learn so much about the world of fashion. We believe that everyone has the right to be their authentic self, and your clothes are a medium by which your personality and even your biggest dreams can be expressed. With Mads you will feel supported and inspired through our fashion writing and styling. 

Look good, feel good, succeed.


At With Mads, we believe in the power of fashion to empower individuals to live their best lives. Our core value of empowerment means that we are committed to helping you feel confident, self-assured, and in control of how you present yourself to the world. We see your aspirations as potential realities, and we're here to support you on your journey towards becoming the person you aspire to be. Whether it's through our fashion writing, styling services, or personal guidance, we aim to give you the tools and knowledge to take charge of your fashion choices and express your authentic self.

Authenticity is a fundamental value we hold dear. We firmly believe that everyone has the right to be their true, unapologetic selves. Your clothing is not just fabric; it's a medium through which you can express your personality, values, and dreams. At With Mads, we encourage and celebrate authenticity in fashion. Our services and content are designed to help you discover and embrace your unique style, ensuring that what you wear reflects who you are and what you stand for. We want you to feel genuine and confident in your fashion choices.


We are passionate about sharing knowledge and educating our readers and clients about the world of fashion. Fashion is not just about trends or what's in style; it's a dynamic, ever-evolving industry that can be a source of inspiration and self-expression. We are committed to providing you with informative content, in-depth insights, and personalized guidance that goes beyond the surface of fashion. With Mads is a place where you can learn about the art of clothing, its history, and how to make it a part of your personal narrative.

Knowledge and Education

With Mads is more than a blog; it's a supportive and inspirational community. We understand that fashion can sometimes be overwhelming, and we're here to make your journey enjoyable and inspiring. Whether you're reading our journal articles, seeking personal styling advice, or engaging with our founder, you will find a source of support and inspiration. Our aim is to make you feel that you're not alone in your fashion choices. We want you to feel encouraged to experiment, explore, and dream big through the world of clothing. Our values revolve around being a guiding light in your fashion journey and helping you express your best self through the way you dress.

Support and Inspiration






Click a No. to
  read about
my values

I worked in retail for 8 years as a stylist across several brands which gave me the opportunity to style so many different types of women with different needs

I managed Design teams in tech for over a decade, which helped me understand the needs of a corporate lifestyle

I have a BA in English and have been featured in periodicals in Seattle over the last decade.

I’m deeply passionate about helping women feel empowered in their jobs through their physically and emotional presence



I have a background in writing, retail, and tech management.

Living in the Seattle area makes it possible to enjoy nature in the best way. I get to walk to the woods from my house, lounge on the beach at all times of the year, and then go home and sleep in my own bed. Camping is for some people, but for me I love enjoying nature and then being very comfortable at home.

I’m a big reader and love Joan Didion and Jane Austen

Food is life. I love being able to find restaurants that source their ingredients locally and organically, and are committed to aesthetically pleasing dining environments (see there’s a trend here). 

Quick Facts About Mads

I quickly moved on from a seasonal gift wrapper to salesfloor stylist and feel in love with helping women find new pieces. I was able to share my favorite denim while giving ideas for how to wear them, and even how to care for them (hint: wash your jeans less than you think). I realized I loved the way I felt putting together an outfit to wear to work, and I loved the way my clients’ faces lit up when they realized they could wear the item they had their eyes on.

Hello, I’m Madison, but you can also call me Mads. I’m the founder and writer of With Mads and I’m so grateful you’re here. This space is part blog, part channel to start working with me, and your one stop shop for knowing what to shop, and how to wear it.

I’ve been a writer since I was 10 years old, using verse as a way to express my emotions that I didn’t know how to process. I fell in love with Jane Austen even before that–sneaking out to watch the six-set BBC VHS collection with my mom and sisters and falling in love with the story that Austen told. I convinced my mom to buy me a copy of Pride & Prejudice and kept the book in my room, opening it and smelling the pages, taking in whatever I could.

Over the years I went from understanding the story from the movie, to slowly reading my way through the book; the prose making more and more sense each year. Once I got to the point of understanding the story I realized the impact Jane Austen had on my life, and I hoped one day even in a small way I could have that impact on someone too. And that was about the time I started working in retail.


I'm Madison Joslyn



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