Do you ever find yourself staring into your closet, surrounded by clothes, yet feeling like you have nothing to wear? Or perhaps you're constantly wrestling with overflowing drawers and cluttered shelves, making it a challenge to locate the outfit you desire. It's a familiar scenario for many, and that's where a Closet Cleanout comes to the rescue.

The primary issue addressed by a Closet Cleanout is the overwhelming clutter and disorganization within your wardrobe. Over time, we tend to accumulate clothing, some of which we rarely or never wear. This accumulation leads to a cluttered and chaotic closet, making it difficult to discern the items you truly love and that make you feel confident. It's not just a matter of space; it's about curating a wardrobe that aligns with your style and lifestyle. A cluttered closet can cause unnecessary stress, make getting dressed a daily struggle, and even lead to unnecessary shopping for items you already own but can't find.

familiar scenario for many, and that's where a Closet Cleanout comes to the rescue.

The primary issue addressed by a Closet Cleanout is the overwhelming clutter and disorganization within your wardrobe. Over time, we tend to accumulate clothing, some of which we rarely or never wear. This accumulation leads to a cluttered and chaotic closet, making it difficult to discern the items you truly love and that make you feel confident. It's not just a matter of space; it's about curating a wardrobe that aligns with your style and lifestyle. A cluttered closet can cause unnecessary stress, make getting dressed a daily struggle, and even lead to unnecessary shopping for items you already own but can't find.

o you ever find yourself staring into your closet, surrounded by clothes, yet feeling like you have nothing to wear? Or perhaps you're constantly wrestling with overflowing drawers and cluttered shelves, making it a challenge to locate the outfit you desire. It's a 


A Wardrobe Transformation

Hey lady. Put down the sweatpants. You're here and you're in good hands.

Hey, it's Madison.
Let's do this!



A closet cleanout to organize your life.


Book a discovery call!

It empowers you to create a curated collection of clothing that not only represents your style but also simplifies your daily routine, allowing you to step into each day with confidence and ease. In the end, a Closet Cleanout is a comprehensive process that goes beyond organization. It's about helping you redefine your relationship with your wardrobe, guiding you towards mindful fashion choices, and creating a space where every piece of clothing brings you joy and confidence. Whether you're preparing for a new season, a special event, or simply seeking a fresh start, a Closet Cleanout is the key to unlocking your wardrobe's full potential.

It’s not just about organizing your clothes; it's about transforming your relationship with your wardrobe. 


A Closet Cleanout encourages you to reflect on your style preferences and lifestyle needs, refining your wardrobe to reflect who you are today.

It promotes sustainable fashion by encouraging you to cherish what you have and invest in quality pieces that stand the test of time.

A Closet Cleanout is your pathway to wardrobe clarity. It's a professional and systematic approach to assessing every item in your closet, helping you discern what to keep, what to let go of, and what to potentially invest in.



Reducing Decision Fatigue


Eliminating Unworn Items

A Closet Cleanout brings order to the chaos. It involves categorizing, decluttering, and reorganizing your wardrobe so that everything has its place, and you can easily locate your favorite pieces.

It helps you part with clothing that you no longer wear, creating room for new and exciting pieces that genuinely resonate with your style.

Defining Your Style

Discovering Hidden Gems

During the cleanout, you might rediscover items you forgot you had, sparking new outfit ideas without the need for additional purchases.

With a well-organized and curated closet, getting dressed becomes a breeze, saving you time and reducing the daily stress of choosing an outfit.


Your insider look at

A Closet Cleanout is a systematic and transformative process that breathes new life into your wardrobe. It involves several key steps to help you declutter, organize, and revitalize your closet, ultimately creating a space where getting dressed becomes a joy rather than a daily struggle.

The process begins with a thorough assessment of your closet. We’ll work with you to understand your fashion preferences, lifestyle, and personal style goals. This initial step helps set the stage for the cleanout, ensuring that the process aligns with your unique needs.

Assessment and Planning


Once the assessment is complete, it's time to start decluttering. This is where the magic happens. Every item in your closet is evaluated, one by one. You'll be guided through a decision-making process that helps you determine what to keep, what to donate or sell, and what to let go of. This step involves considering factors like the frequency of wear, fit, condition, and how well each item aligns with your style. We’ll organize your clothes into sections based on what you wear frequently, what you never wear, and what you want to wear but don’t know how to style. 



We’ll remove all the items you don’t want then bring order to your closet. Every piece that remains is carefully organized, ensuring that everything has its place. This might involve categorizing clothing by type (e.g., tops, bottoms, dresses) and color coordination, making it easy to locate items quickly. Specialty hangers, storage solutions, and space-saving techniques are employed (if the clients would like) to optimize your closet's layout.

Organizing and Categorizing


During the cleanout, we’ll help you define your style and suggest ways to enhance your wardrobe. They might identify essential pieces that are missing from your collection and discuss strategies for building a versatile, timeless wardrobe. This step is all about personalization, ensuring your wardrobe aligns with your unique style and lifestyle.



Once your closet is decluttered and organized, the real fun begins. We will help you create outfits from the pieces you have, mixing and matching items in new and exciting ways. This not only showcases the versatility of your wardrobe but also helps you discover stylish combinations you might not have considered. Think of this as shopping your closet. 

Outfit Creation


The items you've chosen to part with during the cleanout process can find new life through donation or recycling. Your stylist can provide guidance on responsible and sustainable ways to give these items a second chance. This might include consigning your clothes to a local retailer. Luxury consignment is a specialty of ours! 

Donation and Recycling


A successful Closet Cleanout is just the beginning. We will provide tips and strategies for maintaining your organized closet and making sustainable fashion choices in the future. This ongoing support ensures that your wardrobe remains clutter-free and aligned with your evolving style.

Maintenance and Sustainability


Book a discovery call!

3 hour minimum


Most closet cleanouts range from 1-3 days depending on the size of your closet.

The investment

A Closet Cleanout is not just about organizing your clothes; it's about transforming your relationship with your wardrobe. It empowers you to create a curated collection of clothing that not only represents your style but also simplifies your daily routine, allowing you to step into each day with confidence and ease.

"The Closet Cleanout wasn't just about tidying up my closet; it was a wardrobe awakening. It was an effortless process thanks to the expert guidance. I never thought simplifying could make me feel so empowered. I was able to reduce the amount of clothes I had, creating space for the pieces I truly love. My closet now reflects my evolving style and makes getting dressed each day a breeze. It's not just a clean closet; it's a clean slate."


"I was feeling overwhelmed by my wardrobe for years. I had accumulated so many clothes that choosing an outfit each day became a dreaded task. The Closet Cleanout not only transformed my closet but transformed the way I feel about myself. It's incredible how simplifying my wardrobe brought empowerment and confidence. Now, getting dressed is effortless and enjoyable. I can't thank the professional stylist enough for this life-changing experience."

Tech Manager

"My closet had become a cluttered mess, and I was at a loss for how to change it. The Closet Cleanout was a breath of fresh air. It felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders. I was amazed at how effortless the process was, thanks to the guidance of a skilled stylist. The best part is, I ended up with a curated wardrobe that's perfect for me. I feel lighter and more empowered, and I now know that less truly is more."

"I never thought I'd see the day when I'd be excited about cleaning out my closet. The Closet Cleanout made it all possible. Not only did I reduce the number of clothes I had, but I also rediscovered my style and fell in love with my wardrobe again. It felt like a transformation from chaos to elegance. I feel empowered by the choices I make each day and empowered by having a well-organized closet that truly reflects who I am."





Small Business Owner and mom


It's natural to have questions, we have the answers!

How can we help?

A Closet Cleanout is a professional service that involves decluttering, organizing, and optimizing your wardrobe. It helps you assess your clothing, decide what to keep, what to let go of, and how to create an organized and curated closet. It's essential if you're feeling overwhelmed by your wardrobe, want to rediscover your style, or simply need a more efficient and enjoyable daily dressing experience.

The duration and cost of a Closet Cleanout can vary depending on the size of your wardrobe and the specific services you choose. We charge $150/hour, with a 3 hour minimum, and charge travel fees for Seattle-based sessions. On average, it might take a full day or a few sessions over several days. Costs can also vary, but it's an investment in creating a wardrobe that aligns with your style and simplifies your life.

The amount of clothing you part with during a Closet Cleanout is entirely up to you. The process is designed to be collaborative and respectful of your choices. You can decide what to keep, what to donate, and what to sell. The goal is not just to minimize but to ensure that your wardrobe aligns with your style and lifestyle.

Maintaining an organized closet involves adopting some habits and strategies discussed during the cleanout. Regularly review your wardrobe to ensure it aligns with your style and lifestyle. Avoid impulsive shopping and focus on quality pieces. Keep your closet organized, and consider seasonal evaluations to make necessary adjustments. The professional stylist can provide guidance and tips for long-term maintenance.




still not entirely sure this is for you? Read these first.


Hi I’m Madison Joslyn, your fashion consultant. I’m a writer, stylist, and lover of aesthetically pleasing things. I love being able to curate a wardrobe and cultivate outfit formulas that make women feel empowered and beautiful. My goals are to be recognized in the fashion world for my writing, be featured in magazines like Vogue, and help my clients show up as their best selves–whether it’s from a one-off styling session, or a daily outfit check in. Whatever you need I’m here to partner with you; you’re not alone. 

Meet the face behind the screen  — Madison

fashion is a conversation